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X-Dimension 夏日跳舞匯演

X-Dimension Summer Dance Party

2/7/2023 (Sun) 



Entrance : near Tamar Park

由K-pop、Hip-hop 到Jazz funk,舞台上的一眾舞者盡展渾身解數,台下觀眾互動起舞,打成一片,響遍中環。各種舞蹈適合不同年紀的人士參加,既充滿動感,亦可藉表演建立自信和團隊精神。

From K-pop and hip-hop to jazz funk, the dancers on stage show off their full range of skills while the audience dances together and interacts, creating a lively atmosphere across Central. Various dances are suitable for people of different generations to display their vigour and help build confidence and team spirit in stage performance.

合辦單位 Co-organisers:
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