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「裔星躍動」文化共融日 @中環夏誌

"WE‧Star" Cultural Harmony Day @SummerFest

日期 Date: 28/7/2018

時間 Time: 1200-2000

香港一向是中西文化的交匯點。據 2016 年中期人口統計報告,約百分之八的本港人口為 非華裔人士。由香港社區網絡與 CVM 合辦的《「裔星躍動」文化共融日@中環夏誌》, 是讓華裔市民與及居港少數族裔共融的活動。何不在這𥚃𥚃一嚐來自不同國家的代表性美食, 包括來自印度的印度香飯和拉茶、尼泊爾的饃饃及炸甜麵包圈、泰國的青木瓜沙津及芒果 糯米飯,更有巴基斯坦的烤麥餅和奶昔,讓人口味一新。活動還設適合一家大小玩樂的攤 位遊戲和虛擬現實(VR)體驗,及「我眼中的香港」青年攝影教育計劃展覽;由一班具 演藝天份的非華裔朋友演出的歌舞劇「我們的香港」,亦會在活動的開幕禮上首度公開上 演。開幕典禮將會由香港特別行政區政務司司長張建宗擔任主禮嘉賓。

As a melting pot of Oriental and Western cultures, Hong Kong’s population comprises about 8% ethnic minorities, according to the 2016 Population By-census. Organised by Hong Kong Community Network and CVM, "WE• Star" Cultural Harmony Day@SummerFest gets Chinese residents and ethnic minorities to mingle together for fun. Food lovers, too, won’t want to miss signature dishes from different countries, such as basmati rice and teh tarik from India, momo and jeri from Nepal, green papaya salad and sticky rice with mango from Thailand, chapati and yogurt from Pakistan, and much more. Moreover, a group of non-ethnic Chinese children and youth will perform the musical - ‘Our Hong Kong’, which is a truly entertaining programme! Get to know more about the cultures of ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong through a host of booth games, VR experiences and a photographic exhibition. Cheung Kin-chung, Matthew, Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, will serve as officiating guest of the opening ceremony.

合辦單位 Co-organisers:

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