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愛恩光經典金曲音樂會 @中環夏誌

HOHCS Golden Classics Charity Show @SummerFest

日期 Date: 14/7/2018

時間 Time: 1800-2030

⼀⾸⾸⽿熟能詳的歌曲,讓港⼈重返上世紀的美好時光。靈實恩光成⻑中⼼與 CVM 合辦 的《愛恩光經典⾦曲⾳樂會 @中環夏誌》,由⼗多位家傳⼾曉的歌⼿,如鄭敬基、⽂佩 玲、蔡⽴兒等獻唱經典⾦曲,帶來兩個多⼩時的懷舊樂韻夜,同時為靈實恩光成⻑中⼼籌 款。

Return back to music’s golden age last century with a superb array of classic songs. A group of iconic singers comprising Joe Cheng, Cherrie Choi, Jacqueline Man and others will sing many popular Cantopop songs that have touched the hearts of many Hong Kong people. Proceeds from their performances will help raise funds for charity during the more than two-hour outdoor concert organised by Haven of Hope Sunnyside Enabling Centre and CVM.

合辦單位 Co-organisers:

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