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LOCOLOCO 文創市集 - 城市小出走:露營篇

LOCOLOCO “A Little Escape” Market - The Camping Episode

9/9/2022 (Fri) 


迎接中秋佳節,LOCOLOCO 文創市集以「城市小出走」為題,一連三日舉行市集活動,希望大家放鬆一下,暫離生活煩囂,在戶外環境中欣賞市集各種別出心裁的手作設計,亦可發揮小宇宙,參加各種創意工作坊,包括藍曬書簽、手碟體驗、捕夢網匙扣等製作工作坊。

合辦單位 Co-organisers:

In anticipation of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the first day of the LOCOLOCO “A Little Escape” Market is all about relaxing and bringing people away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In the Camping Episode, find various hand-made designs and products and join the creative blueprint bookmark DIY workshop, handpan trail workshop and dreamcatcher keychain DIY workshop.

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