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香港霓虹 -- 未完的結局

"Hong Kong Neon -- The Unfinished Business"

31/7/2022 (Sun) - 18/9/2022 (Sun) 



合辦單位 Co-organisers:
TNX youtube banner.jpg

For decades, the streets of Hong Kong lit up in clusters of overlapping yet one-of-a-kind neon signs have been the city’s iconic night view. With the lights fading and its industry declining, the NGO Tetra Neon Exchange (TNX) which is committed to the conservation of this unique heritage, brings to SummerFest a series of preserved and somewhat restored dining outlet neon signs, plus various guided tours and talks, to encourage rediscovery of Hong Kong neon, i.e. its past, present, possible future and more. To lift the veil on the even lesser-known side of Hong Kong neon, restoration process will also be conducted on site.

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