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鄧卓越裝置藝術:「A Shoppin’ Baby」 民族系列 | 56不倒B

Dorophy Tang Art Installation: "A Shoppin' Baby" Ethnic Series |56 Tumbler Dolls

16/7/2022 (Sat) - 18/9/2022 (Sun) 


香港知名藝術家鄧卓越(Dorophy Tang)全新創作「A Shoppin’ Baby」民族系列,以經典的肥嘟嘟娃娃造型,換上56套中國民族傳統服飾,融合中華文化和西方潮流元素,傳遞「團結就是力量」(Stronger Together)的訊息。這56個民族娃娃,更首度變身為真人高度的不倒B,憨態可掬,與大人小孩互動同樂。

Created by the well-known Hong Kong artist Dorophy Tang, the brand new “A Shoppin’ Baby” Ethnic Series features her signature chubby baby characters in 56 sets of traditional Chinese ethnic costumes. Bringing together Chinese culture and Western artistic elements, the series conveys the message of “Stronger Together”. Transforming into cute life-size tumbler dolls, the 56 ethnic babies are ready for some interactive fun with adults and children alike.

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